Drupal for Illinois Websites
What is the Illinois Drupal Framework?
The Illinois Drupal Framework is a product of the WIGG Drupal working group. The goal of the Illinois Drupal Framework is to let people at UIUC rapidly create and deploy an accessible Illinois branded Drupal website that includes a common set of features. The ability to setup and maintain a Drupal website is required to use this framework.
Some of the features and functionality of the framework can be found in the navigation above. The content types page lists all the different types of content pages that can be created on a new site. The paragraphs page lists the available paragraphs that are available to use within the content types.
How do I use the Illinois Drupal Framework?
The framework is intended to be hosted on the campus cPanel service, but can be run on any server that supports the necessary services. Instructions on setting up a site on cPanel can be found in the README of the Illinois Framework project repository. If you find any issues or want to suggest new features, please submit a ticket to the GitHub issue tracker.
How can I contribute?
There are multiple ways your can help our project. If you have some general feedback, or don't know where to go first, please fill out our feedback form and we'll get back to you.
We also host a Microsoft Teams channel that includes bi-weekly meetings. Please join our channel if you'd like to start a discussion or want feedback on whatever it is your working on.
If you'd like to contribute to our code repositories, please follow these steps:
- Create a GitHub account that is associated with your @illinois.edu e-mail address
- Review the GitHub Shared Service - End User Service Agreement from AITS
- Join our Web at Illinois GitHub organization by going to https://github.com/orgs/web-illinois/sso
As a member of the Web at Illinois organization, you will be able to see the repositories within the organization. You can download the code for your own use, create issues, and comment on existing issues and pull requests. If you would like to submit a new issue and aren't sure which repository to put it in, please add it to the theme's issue queue.
There are three main repositories that make up the framework:
- Illinois Framework Theme - The Drupal theme for the framework
- Illinois Framework Core - Includes the default set of modules to install and the configuration
- Illinois Framework Profile - Defines the Drupal distribution and includes some high level configuration
The WIGG team is here to help you get started using these tools, though we DO NOT have the capacity to perform actual deployments for units or “build you a website”. The best way to get involved is to join our MS Teams group (WIGG Drupal) and from there you can join our bi-weekly online meetings.
This documentation site is running on Drupal Framework 4.0