This is an optional title

This is an optional title for a Rich Text column

This is the body field where you can paste or type in content. 

This is an optional title for a Rich Text column

This is the body field where you can paste or type in content. 


To see more examples of the Rich Text paragraph in action, visit the Rich Text demo page.

  1. Select ‘Add Rich Text’ from the Paragraphs dropdown. 
    Screenshot of paragraphs menu with 'Add Rich Text' highlighted

  1. Select a color from the ‘Background Color’ dropdown.  

  1. Add a Title (optional).  

  1. Under ‘Column’ add a Title (optional). 

  1. Type or paste content into the Body field. To see a detailed list of all the content and styles that can be added to a rich text body field, visit the WYSIWYG text editor section

  1. If you would like to create two-columns of content, click the ‘Add Rich Text content’ button. A maximum of two columns can be added to a Rich Text paragraph.